I&N Blog: Olivia

The BPTC is a notoriously demanding course which makes you subject to an intense amount of constant pressure. I recently discovered being in lockdown with your family, whilst all working from home, can have a very similar effect.
After lockdown came into force my final weeks of BPTC teaching and advocacy exams moved online. I constructed a lectern from an off-balanced ironing board and hosted facetime calls with my family to test the clarity of the audio and strength of the internet connection throughout the house. This resulted in me having to sit one of my advocacy exams with my laptop balanced on my bedroom window-sill because it was the only quiet space where the internet connection could support the video link. 
 It was of course a time of unprecedented stress, but my overwhelming feeling was one of support. My support network were all under the same roof and it really made me realise how much I have taken their support for granted, particularly throughout this academic year. 
 In an ideal world I would have sat my exams in person and been able to use court furniture which wasn't being held together by gaffer tape. Nevertheless, I have to admit that there was something special and empowering about doing my advocacy exams knowing my biggest fans were in the very next room. 

 If you have a story to contribute please email blog@ivyandnormanton.com

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Like the powerful statement Liv


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