This guide explains how to attach a wing collar to a tunic shirt to create the look that you see above for court. The first thing to know is that wing collars have three holes in them, one at the centre and two at the side, and tunic shirts have two holes in the front and typically one at the back.

The wing collar is attached to the tunic shirt with studs. These studs have a flat bottom and a curved top and what you want to do is push the pin with the flat bottom closest to your neck through the hole at the back of the tunic shirt so the curved side is the one you're pushing through the hole.

And then you attach your wing collar with the flaps facing upwards through the centre of the wing collar through that stud.

Then you take a second stud again with the flat side of the pin closest to your neck and the curved side going through the hole and you put the pin firstly through the side of your tunic shirt that's closest to your neck, the underside of it, and then you put the pin through the second hole of your tunic shirt.
Then you take one side of your wing collar and push it through the hole and then you take the second side of your wing collar and push it through the hole so you end up with your wing collar and both sides of your tunic shirt through one hole.

You can watch our video run-through on how to attach a wing collar to a tunic shirt here>